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Artists categorised under 'Other'

Make your dreams a reality-encaustic and acrylic on canvas
Make your dreams a reality-encaustic and acrylic on canvas
look'n £1150 (101cm x 76cm, oil on canvas)
look'n £1150 (101cm x 76cm, oil on canvas)
Animal park, oil on canvas
Animal park, oil on canvas
Embroidery based on a journal entry
Embroidery based on a journal entry
oil on canvas, 2" x 3" Dragon Creating the Universe
oil on canvas, 2" x 3" Dragon Creating the Universe
An experiential piece in darkness
An experiential piece in darkness
digital manipulation, photography
digital manipulation, photography
image from 'Johnny Treeface'
image from 'Johnny Treeface'
Generic Artisan 'coffee' theme
Generic Artisan 'coffee' theme