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Artists categorised under 'Collagist'

Abstract painting using acrylic and household paint.
Abstract painting using acrylic and household paint.
Johnny Rebel (on a podium-like council estage addressing the citizen of Wonderla
Johnny Rebel (on a podium-like council estage addressing the citizen of Wonderla
Super Shanty
Super Shanty
Embroidery based on a journal entry
Embroidery based on a journal entry
oil on canvas, 2" x 3" Dragon Creating the Universe
oil on canvas, 2" x 3" Dragon Creating the Universe
Hand drawn and digitally rendered character, 'The Cannibal Lady'.
Hand drawn and digitally rendered character, 'The Cannibal Lady'.
OCD Magazine / 202 pages/ 21cm x 25cm/ Paperback
OCD Magazine / 202 pages/ 21cm x 25cm/ Paperback
The Night Zoo Poster
The Night Zoo Poster