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Looking Off Balcony
Looking Off Balcony

The Tobacconist

by Rob Griffiths

This is an image responding to a brief et by the folio society. It was to illustrate 3 scenes form the 1940's Albert Camus book 'The Outsider'. Immediately when I read this book I was drawn to this scene and had vision of how it would look in my head. I think the reason this piece was so successful was because I was exited to delve into what my imagination had in mind and how the book painted a picture in my mind. This piece was hand drawn and rendered in photoshop using my own textures.


Item price £20.00 (includes all applicable taxes)
Tax on cost of item 20.00%
Quantity available 12
Domestic delivery cost £5.00 (includes all applicable taxes)
Tax on domestic delivery cost 20.00%
International shipping cost £10.00 (includes all applicable taxes)
Tax on international shipping cost 20.00%
Width 297.0cm
Height 420.0cm
Location All > United Kingdom > Warrington
Categories None
Artist Rob Griffiths